click to see through Dean’s eyes: sight switch 

Prone – Scottish National Paddleboard Championships

Portobello, Scotland

June 2024

On the 2nd of June, I won the Scottish National Paddleboard Championships, – prone division. (This was partly down to the guy who on any other day would have been home and having his lunch by the time I crossed the finish line, taking ill during the race and having to pull out.)
This win meant that I would be the first registered blind paddler to qualify for the ISA (International Surfing Association), World Championships in Copenhagen in September.
Sadly, as the rules stand it is looking unlikely that I will be able to enter the race, as electronic and mechanical assistance is not allowed. (I am normally guided by use of either walkie talkie or Milo comms – without these, I would have no idea of where I was going, and there would be utter carnage in the water!)
As this is the first time a blind person has qualified, (please correct me if I’m wrong), ISA are having to explore new ground.
Fortunately, I have the SSF (Scottish Surfing Federation), fighting my corner. So fingers crossed!

On the 24th of July I was told that I WILL now be going to Copenhagen to represent Scotland in the ISA World Paddleboard Championships.
As I am not allowed any guidance or assistance, we have agreed that I will just do the technical race, as the distance paddle could see me heading off into the Baltic Sea never to be seen again.


These sponsors have been a tremendous help in supplying kit and support for my challenges.