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Bike (GNT) – Eskadale road to wee stream, Scotland

June 2022

After setting off from Cannich, we soon joined the top of the Eskadale road, where we had finished back in May.
From here it was around 11km of quiet country roads until we took a left turn, straight up a rather steep gravelly track, and then out into the wilderness.
Having only seen a handful of cars on the road section, we were now on our own, exploring a more remote section of the Great North Trail. With a gentle breeze, (well “gentle” for Scotland), and the sounds of birds, we had the place to ourselves.
With a time limit, having left Molly in the van, we found a lovely wee stream, pinged it on our electronicalized map thingie, and then turned around, almost all of it downhill back to the tarmac road, and then back to Cannich.

GNT (one way) kms: 17.71
Total (round trip) kms: 37.48


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