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Bike (GNT) – Kilin to Big Rock, Scotland

April 2022

Another wee bite taken out of the Great North Trail.
With Molly leading the way, we kept the pace slow and the distance short. A round trip of 16.5km in a little over 2.5 hours, with lots of stops for sniffs and drinks. (That’s Molly, not Rho!)
The scenery was fantastic, but you’ll just have to take my word for that as the GoPro decided it was taking a day off!
Starting on the edge of Kilin, we biked south into the woods, crossing the A85 and entering Glen Ogle. Here we followed the old railway line, crossing over the awesome Glen Ogle viaduct.
Once at the Big Rock it was time for pics and food, before turning around and heading back.
A great wee bike ride!

GNT (one way) kms: 8.25
Total (round trip) kms: 16.5


These sponsors have been a tremendous help in supplying kit and support for my challenges.